“Where am I? and what’s the best move?” Eugene Brown Teaches Chess and Life Skills

“Where am I, and what’s the best move to make in this position?” For more than 10 years, Eugene Brown has been teaching children and adults to ask these questions at school, at work, and on the street as well as over the chess board. The Big Chair Chess Club in Ward 7 has been a tremendous, if little known, asset to the Deanwood Neighborhood and the city. And soon, with the release of “Life of a King,” starring Cuba Gooding Jr. as Brown, the story will soon be far better known.

Eugene Brown at his Big Chair Chess Club in Washington DC's Deanwood Neighborhood

Eugene Brown at his Big Chair Chess Club
in Washington DC’s Deanwood Neighborhood

Listen in on Thursday, January 16, at 11:00 a.m. as Eugene Brown shares his story on the Education Town Hall, on We Act Radio, 1480 AM in the DC area — anywhere via Tune In. Call in with questions, 202-889-9797 or email questions in advance to EdTownHall@gmail.com

DeanwoodChessHouse in Feb. 2010 East of the River

Life of a King: The Real-Life Story of Redemption and Chess”: Movie trailer

More about the Brown and the chess club, with youth interviews.

Reta Lewis on DC’s Education Needs
Also joining the Education Town Hall this week: Reta Lewis, candidate for mayor of the District of Columbia. Stay tuned for more.

UPDATE 1/16/14 — Listen to the full discussion.


  1. Mr Eugene Brown,
    I just watched the movie ‘Life of a King’. You are an inspiration to the youth of today. God bless you.


    1. Eugene your still my aspiration we talked about two years ago I’m still fighting cancer,I don’t know why this movie keep Co back, thank you for giving to the children andhelping people. Your still my hero amen.


  2. My husband, mother and I watched the movie ‘Life of a King’ last night. Thank you for taking the time to mentor and turn around so many lives by sharing your Think Before You Move philosophy. You were put here on earth for this reason and are blessed to have turned your life around. Many people have no idea what they are to do with their lives. I will be sure to tell everyone I can about the Big Chair Chess Club.


  3. I am happy to learn about Eugene; however, sorry I did not get to meet him before he passed. It’s a shame to things we plan to do but don’t do before it too late. We plan to introduce and promote chess to school districts in rural indigent central Alabama. Jefferson County Commissioner(Birmingham, Al) Bowmen is doing an excellent job of teaching and promoting chess.


    1. The movie “Life of a King,” was filled with provoking inspirational thoughts and ideas regarding life’s unlimited possibilities for us. Mr. Brown is alive and well. He was recently living in NC where I currently am teaching others how to think B4 you move through the Big Chair Chess Club. His efforts to impact the way we think continues. Thanks Eugene.


  4. I feel this organization would be inspirational/instrumental for a Branch in Denver, Colorado 80% of our black youth and Adult men in the State of Colorado have a record, incarcerated or will have a record. Please consider bringing a this worthy Program or like organization to Colorado. A concerned parent/community.


  5. I just watched the movie ( THE LIFE OF A KING ) I am inspired!!!! Thank you Mr. Eugene Brown for (“Thinking B4 U Move” ) and caring for the bigger picture outside yourself:) You are a blueprint to be followed sir.


  6. The movie was outstanding I wish every child was taught how to play chess because chess is a game based on critical thinking it truly helps you make good decisions in critical situations.* and you sir are a perfect example.


    1. Parabéns pela virada de vida e por fazer a diferença em outras vidas. Conheci sua história pelo filme na Netflix hoje: Jogada de Rei. Sucesso a todos 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🌷


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